A Coruña City Council

A Coruña City Council

House Museums

Picasso House Museum

The Picasso House Museum, home of the famous artist Pablo Ruiz Picasso during his stay in A Coruña, recreates a typical 19th century house. It exhibits reproductions of his work in A Coruña, as well as an original engraving by the artist.

María Pita House Museum

María Pita is the great heroine of A Coruña, the brave woman who led the resistance against the English corsair Francis Drake in 1589, making her an important figure in the history of the city.

Emilia Pardo Bazán House Museum

Emilia Pardo Bazán is among the great writers. Author of renowned works such as "Los Pazos de Ulloa", as well as a trailblazer and collaborator in numerous initiatives in favour of Galician culture, she was known for her independent and feminist spirit.

Casares Quiroga House Museum

This house museum was the family home of Santiago Casares Quiroga, President of the Government of the Second Republic, and his daughter María Casares, a brilliant theatre and film actress who triumphed as an exile in France.

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