A Coruña City Council

A Coruña City Council

Art and fashion meet in A Coruña

Sustainable art initiatives

In the city of Pablo Picasso's childhood and home of the School of Art and Design that bears his name, the passion for art and design in all forms is palpable in the streets.

From exhibitions to initiatives of all kinds, in A Coruña you will discover treasures of art and design. Come and experience them first-hand and feel part of the trends and culture of the city.

In the streets of A Coruña, you'll find small studios that bring together the most creative artists of the city, the heart of authentic trends from A Coruña. Creativity and sustainability go hand in hand in these projects.

One of them is Laconcongrelos, known for screen printing and embossing, always working under an ecological policy. It's a common space for professional and amateur designers that also has a permanent exhibition and some temporary exhibitions.

Another key name among the studios in A Coruña is Circle Print Studio, specialising in design and screen printing, which produces some of the best creative work in A Coruña. You'll see their designs all over the city, including on posters, but also in iconic shops such as the traditional hat shop, Austrohúngara.

The imprint of Picasso

As is only fitting, the School of Art and Design organises an annual exhibition of its students' best work. The school's first location was at the Instituto Eusebio da Guarda, in the Plaza de Pontevedra, where Picasso himself studied. Later, in the 1980s, it moved to Calle Pelamios, opposite the seaside promenade.

Curiously, it is said that this new building was created taking the painter's iconic striped T-shirt as a reference. In its corridors, you can find plaster models created by Picasso himself, as well as a permanent exhibition of other student creations.

If you want to know more about the life of this Malaga-born painter in A Coruña, don't miss the Picasso walking tour, which covers key points of the artist's childhood in our city.


Si tu pasión por el diseño y la moda va más allá de comprar, y quieres aprender a dar una segunda vida a las prendas que ya tienes, o incluso crear tus propios conjuntos, en A Coruña también tienes varias iniciativas o lugares en los que aprender.

Cerca del epicentro de la moda sostenible coruñesa, la zona de San Agustín, se encuentra La Mapache Escuela. Allí podrás aprenderlo todo sobre diseño, patronaje, corte y confección. Pero en nuestra ciudad hay opciones para todos los gustos. Para las y los fans del macramé, El taller de mi vida, situado en el corazón de la Ciudad Vieja, ofrece clases sueltas, talleres exprés y cursos mensuales.

Otra buena opción es sumarse a las iniciativas de We Sustainability. Además de organizar frecuentemente limpiezas de playas, cuentan con diversos talleres para dar rienda suelta a tu creatividad de una manera sostenible. Dos de ellos son el taller de tintes naturales y el de serigrafía sostenible, con los que aprenderás a hacer que tus antiguas prendas luzcan como nuevas y a la última moda. Otras opciones son el arte plástico o el arte floral.

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