A Coruña City Council

A Coruña City Council

Picadillo Tapas Competition

The Picadillo Tapas Competition has been around for 17 editions, making it the oldest in Galicia. This contest seeks to find the best creative tapa, traditional tapa and the tapa that offers the best pairing.

The event takes its name from Manuel María Puga y Parga, better known as "Picadillo", who was mayor of A Coruña in 1915 and 1917 and was also a renowned writer and gastronome. Each year, it's one of the most eagerly awaited gastronomic events, filling the bars with magnificent dishes created specially for the occasion, dishes in which Galician produce takes the front seat.

Get ready for the tapas routes and to vote for your favourite tapa. You will also play a leading role. You can win great prizes!

Biosphere Reserve Territorio Atlántico Food Festival

During the celebration of the Territorio Atlántico - Biosphere Reserve Days you will discover a range of tasting menus, dishes and culinary experiences designed by several restaurants in the city, all of which share a passion for local raw materials, preparing delicious creations with local producers from Mariñas Coruña and the Mariñas Coruña Biosphere Reserve. Our locally sourced produce.

This festival represents a commitment to the gastronomic richness of the territory, more sustainable and healthier, which values the companies, professionals and small producers who, every day, contribute to the gastronomic identity of A Coruña.


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