A Coruña City Council

A Coruña City Council

Larpeiradas: the sweetest treats

Larpeirada is the Galician word for the sweet, the luscious, the gluttonous. And A Coruña is a city that knows how to succumb to the pleasures of traditional and innovative pastries alike, with places that are true temples for sweetening the palate.

You can't visit A Coruña and not try the churros with chocolate from Bonilla or El Timón, eaten as breakfast or as a snack, subject of an eternal divide in the hearts of Coruñans when it comes to which of them is the best. 

If you're one of those people who loves a good sweet more than anything else in the world and you savour it without remorse, come to one of our classic, artisan sweet shops with a long tradition, such as Glacé or Berna. Delight in their display cases full of happiness: sweet rolls, cream puffs, mille-feuille, strawberry roll-cakes, tarts, pies and tea biscuits. Or those delicious, nationally famous, spongy ring-shaped cakes for Three Kings Day, with sugar, cream and candied fruit, cause for long queues at Christmastime. Ah! And let's not forget the delicate miniature pastries from the Paris confectionery.

Sweetening your trip won't be difficult. There are also master confectioners who add new flavours, shapes and colours to their array of sugary delights. You can find proof of this great expertise in shops such as Habaziro, with marvellous hazelnut, pistachio and chocolate croissants, cakes, pies, tartlets, sponge cakes and biscuits. Or at Doriel, virtuosos with chocolate and experts at inventing creative concoctions that leave customers spellbound. A good coffee to accompany your order is a pairing that can't be beat.

And in between the sweets, refreshing ice creams and cocktails complete the map of the city's most tempting flavours. Along La Marina Avenue, you'll find a great sampling of the city's best ice-cream parlours, appetising at any time of the year. 

It's time to treat yourself!

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