A Coruña City Council

A Coruña City Council

A Coruña, city of bicycles

A Coruña, city of bicycles

Fifty kilometres of cycle lanes, cars at a maximum of 30 km/h, a revamped electric bike rental system and Europe's largest promenade. Does anyone have more?

A Coruña is a benchmark in Spain for its commitment to sustainable mobility. Its more than 50 kilometres of cycle lanes, which connect all the city's neighbourhoods, its recently renovated municipal bicycle rental system and its pioneering declaration as City 30 make the city one of the safest cities in which to enjoy two wheels.

BiciCoruña offers the possibility of renting brand new bicycles at 52 stations throughout the city. More than 500 vehicles are available to users throughout the city, half of them electric. A new system will allow visitors to access this service digitally or through theBiciCoruña web platform. There are also other options for renting bicycles in the city such asEco-logic andOk Zona eBike.

Do you want to know what it feels like to walk along the coastline? Don't think twice and enjoy the sea breeze on two wheels. An urban adventure awaits you in which you will discover monuments, protected natural spaces, museums at the foot of the ocean and the best gastronomy to recharge your batteries. It rolls in A Coruña, flies over the sea.

Carril bici H2

Nunc faucibus, nisi fermentum fermentum vestibulum, tellus sem scelerisque augue, sit amet euismod odio nulla quis turpis. In pulvinar, lectus non posuere hendrerit, enim dolor feugiat est, at tempor ipsum diam imperdiet quam. Sed nisl quam, porta in risus ac, consequat consectetur felis. Praesent mollis et velit vel maximus. Donec pellentesque malesuada nulla, non iaculis libero pretium ut. Nunc cursus neque id augue lacinia mattis. Donec pulvinar ex augue, nec pretium nisi efficitur eget. Ut urna augue, suscipit vel vulputate quis, blandit sit amet elit. Cras congue dui eget purus dictum congue. Fusce fermentum, libero ac varius pretium, arcu orci viverra nisl, vitae consequat enim metus id diam.

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