A Coruña City Council

A Coruña City Council

Mariñas Coruñesas e Terras do Mandeo Biosphere Reserve

Biosphere Reserve

For travellers looking for green landscapes, waterfalls and rivers, you don't have to go far. Just a stone's throw from A Coruña awaits the Mariñas Coruñesas e Terras do Mandeo Biosphere Reserve, the first certified ecotourism destination in Galicia to be recognised by UNESCO in 2013, and one of the six Galician biosphere reserves. 

This landscape of great biological diversity hides natural treasures such as the Mero and Mandeo rivers, wetlands and Atlantic forests with centenary trees. This area covers more than 116,700 hectares spread over 17 municipalities: Abegondo, Aranga, Arteixo, Bergondo, Betanzos, Cambre, Carral, Coirós, Culleredo, Curtis, Irixoa, Miño, Oleiros, Oza-Cesuras, Paderne, Sada and Sobrado.

For this one-day nature bath you only need your own car or a hire car, or you can also get there on any of the metropolitan transport lines that connect A Coruña with the municipalities that form part of the reserve. They are also easy to reach via the Entrejardines stop, next to the Méndez Núñez gardens, in the heart of the city centre.

Biosphere Reserve

The Biosphere Reserve is the ideal place for lovers of hiking routes. Also for those who are looking for a sustainable, environmentally friendly form of tourism where they can experience local traditions in peace and quiet. The best thing to do is to put on some good hiking shoes and let yourself be amazed by the landscapes that border the river Mandeo. There are different routes that pass by waterfalls, fervenzas in Galician, such as the fervenza do Mainzoso in Paderne, which passes in front of the group of rural houses Muiños do Mainzoso, or the fervenzas do Zarzo in Irixoa. Another walk that conquers for its beauty is the one that runs along the 14 kilometres that separate the reservoir of Cecebre from Cambre. This is one of the most accessible stretches for everyone, and one that also appeals to cycling enthusiasts.

The biosphere reserve is a place to observe native fauna. The ornithological route O Bosque Animado is famous for bird watching in the reservoir of Cecebre. One of the characteristics that make this landscape unique is the proximity of the sea and the mountains. The quiet beaches of Miño and Sada are just a stone's throw away from the Atlantic forests. Espiñeiro beach, in Bergondo, is one of the favourites for a family trip and from where you can practice different nautical activities such as paddle surfing. For those who prefer a quiet stroll, a walk along the port of Sada and an ice-cream is one of the locals' favourite plans.

The best local products

But if there is one thing that characterises this area of the province of A Coruña, apart from its landscapes, it is the quality of its products. The food that comes from these lands carries the guarantee of the Reserva da Biosfera brand. Famous are the turnip greens of Monfero, the cabbage of Betanzos or the potatoes of Miño. We must not lose sight of the Territorio Altántico days, which are organised every year to showcase the flavours of the land and highlight the work of the area's farmers and producers.

You can also visit some of the projects that work to preserve the area's agriculture and do so in an environmentally friendly way, such as Os Biosbardos. Or immerse yourself in the work of a farm and learn how the most famous ice creams in Galicia are made: those of Bico de Xeado. A getaway to breathe fresh air, return with renewed energy and continue enjoying the vibrant rhythm of the streets of A Coruña.

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