A Coruña City Council

A Coruña City Council

The seafood extravaganza

There is no other seafood like Galician seafood. Our shellfish are incomparable. This is due to the fact that our rugged Atlantic coastline - with its cliffs and estuaries, its strong waves as well as calm waters - makes our marine ecosystem extremely rich and varied.

The best seafood products are swimming in Galician waters. And the A Coruña fish market is a prime example of this, a leader unlike any other when it comes to bringing in fresh fish - and one of the most important fish markets in Europe.  

While the city is asleep and the sky is still dark, the A Coruña harbour fish market is already bustling with activity. Tonnes of fish and seafood are unloaded there and displayed in boxes spread out across the ground, ready to be sold. Among the catches: huge octopus, hake and monkfish, spider crabs and barnacles, horse mackerel, blue whiting, Atlantic mackerel, bonito and sardines. Tuesdays and Thursdays are the liveliest days. Sailors, shellfish harvesters and buyers meet in the early hours of the morning and, notebook in hand, voices raised, at dizzying speed and using practically incomprehensible language, the auction begins. 

It's quite the sight! In just under two hours it ends, and the day's catch heads for the best shops and restaurants in Spain - and, of course, to the city's market squares, such as San Agustín and Plaza de Lugo. From there, to the kitchens of local restaurants and the homes of A Coruña. It doesn't get fresher than this!

Peixe da Lonxa da Coruña

The seal "Peixe da Lonxa da Coruña" (Galician for "fish from the harbour fish market of A Coruña") distinguishes the fish and shellfish that go straight from the port to the city. This seal acknowledges the excellent handling of the fresh seafood that arrives at the harbour fish market and is distributed across the city's the markets, shops and restaurants.

  • From the sea to the market

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