A Coruña City Council

A Coruña City Council

Grilled octopus with burnt pepper juice, goose barnacles and periwinkles


1 Octopus (we will use half a tentacle per serving)

50 g periwinkles per serving

6 peppers



Extra virgin olive oil


Clean and cook the octopus. For each kilo of weight, it should spend 20 minutes in boiling water. Let it sit for 15 minutes in the water with the heat off before cutting it.

Heat plenty of salted water in a pot and add the barnacles and periwinkles once boiling. Wait for the water to come back to a boil and then remove the barnacles and periwinkles. Peel them once cool.

Scald the peppers over the gas flame until they are black on the outside. Put them in a pot, cover them with water and let them cook for half an hour. Then strain everything and keep the water. Liquefy the peppers and mix the resulting liquid with the cooking water. Boil everything for 15 minutes. Strain and adjust salt and sugar to taste.

Grill the octopus and plate it with the periwinkles, barnacles and pepper juice. Serve drizzled with a bit of extra virgin olive oil and a salad of microgreens.

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